Flying V Shipment on Friday

Hello,Thank you for your patience. We will be shipping all Flying V items on this Friday July 31. Please look forward to your pledged items on Saturday or Monday. Amaryllo  (繼續閱讀)

Shipment begins on Monday

Hello we are starting to shipment on Monday according to the pledging orders. There are over 5,000 units from online campaigns so it may take some weeks to complete delivery. Please look forward to it. (繼續閱讀)

iCamPRO in Japanese TV Asahi

This special holder is made by our Japanese distributor: Enjoy it.Japanese TV Asahi (繼續閱讀)


感謝大家的支持, 我們在國內外共募款超過新台幣一千九百多萬。由於還有一百多名在結束後持續投資,估計總金融會超過新台幣二千萬元。四千台預購。為了感謝群眾的支持,我們在indiegogo 新開了一元的抽獎活動。並另提供iCamPRO FHD 預購的機會。 下面是iCamPRO FHD 的歐盟設計專利証書。其他地區的專利下來之後,我們會再在向大家報告。謝謝。   (繼續閱讀)

智能硬件风向标 上周最值得关注的5件智能产品

智能硬件风向标 上周最值得关注的5件智能产品这阵风往哪吹?作者:in君 标签:智能硬件   3Doodler   iCamPro 2015-01-19 00:15:26  了解智能行业资讯,把握硬件方向,尽在智能硬件风向标。众筹网站一直被视为吹响智能产业集结号的场所,在这里诞生了无数个神奇的创意,完成了那一次次数量惊人的融资。今天in君特意从全世界最大的众筹网站Kickstarter上搜罗来了最近热门的一些智能方面产品,相信不论你是普通消费者、科技数码极客还是硬件创业者都可以关注一下。  家庭安防——iCamPro  首先第一件产品是在CES2015上大放异彩的智能安防机器人iCamPro F… (繼續閱讀)

iCamPRO Interview with BeTerrific

Mr. Kevin Pothoven interview with BeTerrific at CES.   (繼續閱讀)

iCamPRO Selected as Top CES Gadgets

iCamPRO receives an overwhelming welcome at CES. We have received over USD 400,000 funding and still have 2 weeks to go at Kickstarter. Links below are news on Amaryllo.         •TIME magazine: 2015 CES BEST.•The top 5 CES gadgets, according to CES Unveiled. Read here.•The BEST TECH GADGETS OF CES… (繼續閱讀)

iCamPRO Debuts at 2015 CES Unveiled

Hello, iCamPRO has raised close to USD 300,000 in two weeks. Thanks to your contribution. We'd like to show you some of the pictures and videos shot last night at CES Unveiled Las Vegas.Only top 20 products are displayed here in the middle. iCamPRO is one of them.Jacob is interviewed by a TV reporte… (繼續閱讀)

iCamPRO Ranked Top at Kickstarter Robots Category

iCamPRO FHD has raised NTD 7,500,000 from Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns in 10 days. It is currently ranked the most popular project under Robots at Kickstarter.  (繼續閱讀)

Meet Your Amaryllo Team at 2015 CES Unveiled Las Vegas on January 4th

Happy New Year and thank you for your great support. Amaryllo is invited to showcase the award-winning iCamPRO FHD at the upcoming 2015 CES Unveiled LV at Mandalay Bay, Level 3, South Seas Ballroom C from 4 pm to 7 pm on January 4. Jacob, Kevin, and Marcus will be attending this special event with i… (繼續閱讀)