Baking Holiday EP集資計劃


                        Jelly Lee傑利個人首張EP – Baking Holiday。

我的名字叫做Jelly Lee 傑利來自花蓮玉里,是麵包店老闆的兒子。熱愛音樂與運動的創作型歌手,也是知名獨立樂團教練樂隊的主唱,喜歡在生活中尋找靈感。「Life is too short. Living in the present. 人生短短,活在當下!」是我的座右銘,也是我創作的動力來源。

我個人演出經歷有台東鐵花村、蓮All Star、台中Forro Cafe、恆春 草根音樂節 、高雄駁二、台北 河岸留言等等,與教練樂隊演出超過500場.









製作蛋糕的過程中也讓我創作出了《Baking Holiday》。

感謝我父親,原來我有遺傳到他的烘培基因,也謝謝我身邊的親朋好友以及長久以來支持「教練樂隊」的歌迷,鼓勵我成立Baking Holiday 烘培假期粉絲專頁。



1. 6吋戚風蛋糕,口味有三種:濃情巧克力、香草、香蕉。贊助後可以選擇神秘口味與隨機口味。隨機口味將會所有口味隨機出貨,給你驚喜的感覺!

2. 迷你戚風蛋糕,一組四個裝。口味會包含三種:濃情巧克力、香草、香蕉,以及一種神秘口味,將會隨機出貨,給你驚喜的感覺!

3. Baking Holiday 限量EP。曲目將會收錄
  《Baking Holiday》
  《Baking Holiday 電音版》
  《美麗與哀愁》   總共五首歌。

4. 與傑利合照並收錄在正式MV。我會安排一個特別的時間與地點(台北市內),邀請贊助此項的朋友一起見面,同時把蛋糕與EP親手交給你!過程我們會拍很多有趣的照片,結束後會挑選合適的收錄在Baking Holiday正式的MV當中,募資成功後會盡快推出!

5. 傑利烘焙工作室蛋糕製作教學。我會安排合適的時間,邀請你到烘焙工作室一起學做戚風蛋糕!時間大約為2 - 3個小時,你還可以帶一位朋友一起參加,親自做完蛋糕後帶回家和親朋好友們分享!

6. 烘焙假期零距離live演唱會。我會依最後的贊助人次,挑選合適的表演場地(位於臺北市),邀請大家一起來現場共襄盛舉!時間會在11月中 - 12月初之間,星期五的晚上或是週末期間。






Jelly Lee’s first EP album - Baking Holiday

 “Music of cake, cake of music”, a casual remark which has now unexpectedly become my own slogan!

Hello, this is Jelly. Let’s come and listen to my songs of cake!


Every time when I run out of inspiration, I make music because of cakes.

And at the same time, I make cakes because of music.

Baking Holiday is an EP album with songs written during my encounter with cakes. It’s also my dream to share the joy in making cakes and music with you. And with your support, I’ll be able to pursue it!


My songs of cake!

 My name is Jelly Lee, a baker’s son from Hualien. As the lead vocal in COACH, I’m passionate in playing sports and writing songs. Over the past years, I have had over 500 concerts with my band. You know, life is too short. Live in the present. And that’s why I’ve been following my heart to make my own music.


 Why do I bake cakes?

 COACH met a bottleneck three years ago, for almost a year, I didn’t have any inspirations in writing songs. One day I went to a bookstore, seeing if there were ideas that could stimulate my thought. Spending several hours strolling along different regions, I finally stepped into the baking zone and a baking book with a cover of Chiffon Cake immediately caught my eye.

 “I’m not kidding! I fell in love with the cake at first sight. It was like standing in front of a no-makeup beauty who was gazing at you. There’s no special dressing, everything is pure and simple. It’s really pretty.”

 I had no experience in helping my family to bake cakes, but I was deeply touched at that time and thus I called my Dad without hesitation.

 Jelly: Dad, do you know what Chiffon Cake is?

Dad: Why not? Our homemade birthday cake is Chiffon Cake!

Jelly: Oh really? But I don’t even know about that.

Dad: How do you suppose to know if you’ve never worked in our bakery?

 And now I know my family makes Chiffon Cakes! I returned to Hualien on the next day, learning to bake Chiffon Cakes with Dad. I was glad to my success in making my first cake, gradually I was enchanted with it.

 Since then, whenever I was free, I’d commute to Hualien from Taipei, spending three days a week as a baker trainee in my hometown and the other three days as a singer in a Taipei rock band.


Music of cake, cake of music

 To my surprise, inspiration kept on emerging since I had learnt baking Chiffon Cakes. I composed 6 songs in that year.

 I have also created my song album - Baking Holiday.

 Many thanks to Dad, for letting me have his fabulous baking skills. And many thanks to my friends and family, as well as COACH fans. Without your support, I wouldn’t have set up my Facebook fan page, Baking Holiday.


Why do I need NTD 170,000?

 Actually the cost for producing an EP album is far beyond this amount. NTD 170,000 could only afford the salary paid to the recording directors, photographers and dressers, in addition to the expense in the production of music videos (MV). In order to let you have a Chiffon Cake with the best texture and taste, I’ll need another NTD 100,000 for cake ingredients.

 I promise, the EP album and Chiffon Cakes will be of the highest quality I could provide.


About the rewards

 1. Chiffon Cake (6-inch) with three different flavors - chocolate, vanilla and banana, backers could choose the “secret flavor” or “random-flavor delivery”. We’ll give you a surprise!


2. Mini Chiffon Cake package (4pcs) with three different flavors - chocolate, vanilla and banana, backers could choose “secret flavor” or “random-flavor delivery”. We’ll give you a surprise!


3. Limited edition EP Album - Baking Holiday, with a collection of 5 songs in it.


 4. A group shot with Jelly. I’ll choose a suitable date and invite you to Taipei, giving you the EP album Chiffon Cake by hand. I will also invite you to take a group shot with me. The photo will be included in my music video!


5. Baking party in Jelly’s bakery workshop. You can come to my bakery workshop and learn to bake your own Chiffon Cake! The party will last for 2 to 3 hours and you can bring 1 friend to join.


 6. Baking Holiday Live Show. I will invite you to spend a Friday or weekend night with me (maybe in November or December) and celebrate for the publishing of Baking Holiday together!



About Face-to-face trading and Refrigerated home delivery service

 To ensure the quality of cakes, refrigerated delivery will be used. You can receive the Chiffon Cakes through face-to-face trading or refrigerated home delivery service, each cake will be extra charges for NTD 150.

 When the project is successfully funded, we will conduct a face-to-face trading. Backers will be divided into groups and take turns receiving the Chiffon Cakes near Linguang MRT Station in Taipei.


To share my joy with you

 The word “simple” is not only used to describe the design and texture of Chiffon Cake, but also my belief in creating music. Chiffon Cake makes me become a hand-made cake lover and keeps providing me creative spirits in writing songs.

 After experiencing this wonderful creating process, I realize that future is full of excitement which can’t be foreseen. That’s why we have to live happily in the present!


Now, I’d love to share my joy with you through my cakes and music.

Come and let’s have fun!


  • 面交的時間場次將會大部份在假日,募資結束後我會透過粉絲團、專案頁面一一的通知面交場次,讓已經贊助的朋友們選! 另外,演唱會的場地需視最後的贊助人數決定,地點為台北市