YAO&OSCAR SV AI voice bank 2.0 pre order Crowdfunding

《 VOICE BANK 2.0 Visual released  / 歌聲庫2.0形象公開 》

  •  VOICE BANK 2.0 Character Illustrator Jinko / VOICEBANK2.0形象繪師  神子



《 Preface / 前言 》

The VOICEMITH team launched the virtual singer "Xia Yu Yao" in November 2014, which has received support and encouragement from many fans. At the end of 2022, Xia Yu Yao’s AI voice bank was launched, which is the first AI voice bank released in Taiwan. Users can use various and convenient tools in the editor to use AI calculations to let Xia Yu Yao sing with a high degree of authenticity.


Since August 2016, the VOICEMITH team has launched the virtual singer OSCAR and released the OSCAR UTAU VOICE BANK, available for free to music enthusiasts. In early 2024, they introduced the OSCAR AI VOICE BANK. With versatile and user-friendly tools in the editor, users can utilize AI technology to make OSCAR sing with lifelike, human-like vocals.

自2016年8月起,VOICEMITH團隊推出了虛擬歌手《奧斯卡》,同時釋出了奧斯卡 UTAU 聲音庫,供廣大音樂愛好者免費使用。更於2024年初,推出奧斯卡AI歌聲庫。使用者能於編輯器中,以多變且方便的工具,透過AI運算,讓奧斯卡唱出如真人般的歌聲。

《 SV AI 1.0 VOICE BANK DEMO / SV AI 2.0 歌聲試聽 》

《Fundraising Goals / 募資目標》

We hope to let the "Xia Yu Yao、OSCAR AI Voice bank" more perfect through this fundraising. It is expected that in the 2.0 upgrade, more adjustment parameters will be provided, which means that users can achieve closer perfection through parameters such as pitch adjustment, phoneme duration, AI re-recording function enhancement, etc. of singing voice.

我們希望透過本次募資,來讓《夏語遙、奧斯卡 AI 歌聲庫》更加完美。預計在2.0升級時,提供更多調整參數,這意味著使用者能透過參數,無論是在音高調整、音素時長、AI重錄功能強化等優化,取得更趨近完美的歌聲。《Engine Description / 引擎說明》

《Note 1 / 注意事項1

*You need Synthesizer V 2.0 voice editor to use the new functions and parameters of "Xia Yu Yao AI voice bank 2.0"

*If you do not own "Xia Yu Yao AI voice bank 1.0", but you sponsor "Xia Yu Yao AI voice bank 2.0 Upgraded Version" this time, you will not be able to use "Xia Yu Yao AI voice bank 2.0" in the future, and we will not accept it. To apply for a reason like "careless sponsorship", please think carefully before sponsoring!!

*您需有 Synthesizer V 2.0歌聲編輯器,才能使用《夏語遙AI歌聲庫2.0》新的功能及參數


《Sponsorship Rewards / 回饋方案說明》

***Attention: SV AI 2.0 Discounted Ver (Solution C、E、G) Sponsors***

All orders placed on or after February 19 must include the old activation code in the remarks section. Failure to provide the old activation code will result in no new activation code being issued and no refunds.

For orders placed on or before February 18, please contact us at to confirm serial number issuance.

***SV AI 2.0 Discounted Ver (方案C、E、G) 贊助者請注意*** 

凡於 2/19(含)以後 下單者,請務必在 備註欄提供舊序號,否則我們將 無法發送新序號,且不提供退款

若您於 2/18(含)以前訂購,請來信 以確認序號發送事宜。


Solution A YAO&OSCAR Digital Wallpaper Support-Only Plan / A方案 夏語遙&奧斯卡純支持電子桌布方案

*Get digital wallpapers (2 each for PC and mobile versions)
*Send wallpaper by email
*Please provide your receiving email in the remarks column.

*以 email 發送桌布
*備註欄提供 email,若無填寫,將以贊助單之email發送

Solution B YAO SV AI 2.0 Download version / B方案 夏語遙 AI 歌聲庫 2.0 下載版

Sponsorship Price: NT$3350 / 贊助金額:NT$3350

*Provide sponsorship for Not owned voice bank 1.0
*Will send the voice bank serial number via email
* Provide your receiving email in the remarks column.
*Launched price:NT$3600

*以 email 發送歌聲庫序號
*備註欄提供 email,若無填寫,將以贊助單之email發送

Solution C YAO SV AI 2.0 Discounted Ver / C方案 夏語遙 AI 歌聲庫 2.0 舊用戶優惠版

Sponsorship Price: NT$1250 / 贊助金額:NT$1250

*Provide sponsorship for the people owned voice bank 1.0
*If you do not have voice bank 1.0 and still sponsor it, you will not be able to use it.
*Will send the voice bank serial number via email
* Provide your receiving email in the remarks column.

*Launched price:NT$1450

*以 email 發送歌聲庫序號
*備註欄提供 email,若無填寫,將以訂單之email發送

Solution D OSCAR SV AI 2.0 Download version / D方案 奧斯卡 AI 歌聲庫 2.0 下載版

Sponsorship Price: NT$3350 / 贊助金額:NT$3350

*Provide sponsorship for Not owned voice bank 1.0
*Will send the voice bank serial number via email
* Provide your receiving email in the remarks column.
*Launched price:NT$3600

*以 email 發送歌聲庫序號
*備註欄提供 email,若無填寫,將以贊助單之email發送

Solution E OSCAR SV AI 2.0 Discounted Ver / E方案 奧斯卡 AI 歌聲庫 2.0 舊用戶優惠版

Sponsorship Price: NT$1250 / 贊助金額:NT$1250

*Provide sponsorship for the people owned voice bank 1.0
*If you do not have voice bank 1.0 and still sponsor it, you will not be able to use it.
*Will send the voice bank serial number via email
* Provide your receiving email in the remarks column.

*Launched price:NT$1450

*以 email 發送歌聲庫序號
*備註欄提供 email,若無填寫,將以訂單之email發送

Solution F OSCAR SV AI 2.0 Download version / F方案 奧斯卡 AI 歌聲庫 2.0 下載版

Sponsorship Price: NT$6600 / 贊助金額:NT$6600

*Provide sponsorship for Not owned voice bank 1.0
*Will send the voice bank serial number via email
* Provide your receiving email in the remarks column.
*Launched price:NT$7100

*以 email 發送歌聲庫序號
*備註欄提供 email,若無填寫,將以贊助單之email發送

Solution G OSCAR SV AI 2.0 Discounted Ver / G方案 奧斯卡 AI 歌聲庫 2.0 舊用戶優惠版

Sponsorship Price: NT$2450 / 贊助金額:NT$2450

*Provide sponsorship for the people owned voice bank 1.0
*If you do not have voice bank 1.0 and still sponsor it, you will not be able to use it.
*Will send the voice bank serial number via email
* Provide your receiving email in the remarks column.

*Launched price:NT$2990

*以 email 發送歌聲庫序號
*備註欄提供 email,若無填寫,將以訂單之email發送

《Company Introduction / 提案單位介紹》

VOICEMITH is a team established by E-Capsule Co., Ltd. at the end of 2013, and began to implement the "Virtual Singer Development Plan" in 2014. So far, it has successively launched many virtual singers, such as Xia Yu Yao, Joan, and Oscar's UTAU Chinese voice banks, Zeta's Deep Vocal Chinese voice banks, etc. are available for free download and use.

VOICEMITH 為飛天膠囊數位科技有限公司,於2013年底成立的團隊,並於2014年開始執行《虛擬歌手養成計畫》,至今已陸續推出多位虛擬歌手,如夏語遙、蕎安、奧斯卡的UTAU中文聲音庫、婕妲 Zeta 的 Deep Vocal中文聲音庫等,供人免費下載使用。

VOICEMITH 官網 official

《Estimated shipping instructions / 預計出貨說明》

Shipping instructions: If this project meets the standards, the production plan will begin
Shipping time: It is expected to start shipping in XX, 2025
Shipping method: Download link via email

出貨方式:以 email 電子郵件傳送下載連結

《Refund instructions / 退費說明》

If you want to refund before the end of the fund-raising, you can do so on this website (flyingV), but the refund function will be closed after the end of the fund-raising. If you are a sponsor who wants to refund, please pay special attention to the end time of the fund-raising!



  • 我們會將整個計畫之執行細節,,定期以圖文方式呈現於 facebook 官方粉絲專頁,歡迎大家定期追蹤粉專: 。
  • We will regularly present the implementation details of the entire plan in the form of pictures and text on the official Facebook fan page. Everyone i
  • 請務必記得您所填寫的 email 電子信箱,預計最遲於2025年4月,開始陸續以 email 寄出給參與贊助者。 對回饋方案細節有疑問,歡迎來信至
  • Please be sure to remember the email address you filled in. It is expected to be sent to participating sponsors by email no later than Apr. 2025.
  • Everyone is welcome to follow the fan page regularly:
  • If you have any questions about the details of the feedback solutions, please email: