(English translation is at the end of page)
2020年底「庸俗救星」誕生在疫情肆虐的地球上,花了一年時間送給你一張屬於後疫情時代的專輯《末日倒數的庸俗週記》,記錄著現代都市人在末日一步步進逼之下的壓抑、逃亡、快樂跟拯救。曲風以K-Indie為基底,加入Rock、R'n'B、Funk、迷幻、City Pop等元素,歌曲主題時而憂鬱;時而歡喜;時而無奈;時而憤怒。
接續也發行了2022數位單曲〈困在你的雨季〉、以及2023數位單曲〈一口一口〉,並且舉辦【庸俗大排檔】、【窗簾小巡迴】、【快樂都市人演唱會】等好幾場自製企劃的演出,直到2022年底終於達成獨當一面The Wall完售的好成績!也謝謝各大音樂祭的演出邀約,讓我們擁有更多舞台、更多與你們見面的機會。
《得意的一天》 EP 收錄三首歌,描述都市人庸庸碌碌的一整天,看似扎實的生活,其實滿是壓力、苦澀與難以言喻的無奈。按照時間軸依序帶出三首歌 ——
#1 腦袋剛開機的中午:廢物跑步
#2 不想加班而疲於奔命的崩潰傍晚:321爆炸
#3 拖著疲憊身軀夜歸的晚上:給夜歸的你
這次的視覺我們將挑戰跨國合作,從台灣連線日本、韓國、英國,邀請世界各地都市人共同創作我們對都市人《得意的一天》的想像。我們邀請南韓藝術家Jaeho Shin授權提供他的油畫作品、作為我們的主視覺封面,並且和旅日設計師宋彥柔Ruby Song(她也是《末日倒數的庸俗週記》的專輯設計師)一起開發了新型態的EP裝幀——活頁手帳EP綜合包!
**庸俗OPEN MIC**
地點:後台 Backstage Café
還記得車內卡拉OK大賽、電玩大賽、庸俗救星吃播、歲末年終交換禮物⋯⋯各種有趣的庸救日常嗎?一個月一度的「29庸俗日直播」即將推出(應該是僅此一場的)真人版脫口秀!**庸俗OPEN MIC** 現場不僅會有 #29庸俗日 不按牌理出牌的怪招,也會搶先❝播放❞新歌給大家聽~ 並且庸俗的我們應該還是會忍不住想唱幾首歌(?)**部分品項圖稿設計中,日後更新**
✰ 庸俗救星 ✰
✰ 客服信箱 ✰
*Feel free to write Email to us if you have any question.
✰ English Introduction✰
Vulgar Savior is a Taiwanese alternative rock band, formed in 2020 Dec. Consist of bassist Joe, guitarist Ray, vocalist Claire, and drummer Samuel.
Music genre combines K-indie with rock, R&B, funk, alternative, and city pop elements. Vulgar Savior's songs explore various emotions and themes, from the pressures of city life to the romance of tranquil alleys.
With groovy basslines, dynamic beats, and powerful vocals, the band debuted in 2020 and has released an album, “The Vulgar Weekly: Countdown To The End Of The World”. Vulgar Savior has gained attention through live gigs and its first sold-out concert “Happy City Guys” in 2022.
Here we proudly announce the birth of "Vulgar Savior 2.0"
and invite you to join our crowdfunding campaign
for the upcoming EP, "Great Day"
set to be released in the summer of 2023.
Although trapped in the urban routine,
often forgetting to breathe in life's moments.
But even in frustration, life must go on,
as long as we can be a little more at ease than the second before,
as long as there is a place to heal ourselves after a day's journey,
it is enough to secretly celebrate:
this is already the most "great enough day" for us.
We have gathered urbanites from around the world to collaborate,
combining the oil paintings from Korean artist Jaeho Shin,
and connecting with designer Ruby Song in Japan,
to create a brand new format for the mini album's packaging!
Vulgar Savior's "Great Day" will be a interactive notebook,
combining the previously published band diary pages,
along with lyric cards, photo pages, stylish stickers,
and highly requested simplified sheet music for popular songs.
You can freely customize the number of pages and add additional ones,
creating an environmentally friendly and ordinary new item that is about to be released!
▎Crowdfunding Rewards
✦ Lower-middle Savior ✦ NT$200
Pure donation without rewards. "Thank you for making our day great."
✦ Great Savior ✦ NT$550
EP "Great Day" A5 interactive notebook, including CD, lyrics, photos, stickers, and blank diary pages.
✦ Die-hard Savior ✦ NT$999 [Limited]
EP "Great Day" + Access to July 29th Vulgar Open Mic events.
✦ Vulgar Gift Pack ✦ NT$1,314 [Limited]
Vulgar Savior tote bag + Vulgar Savior T-shirt + sticker set.
✦ Romantic Savior ✦ NT$720
EP "Great Day" + 'Marry Me' Love Certificate.
✦ Tire Savior ✦ NT$888
Vulgar Savior motorcycle mudguard.
✦ Mobile Savior ✦ NT$999
RhinoShield mobile phone case - Vulgar Savior custom edition.
*Extra shipping! Shipments will begin in August 2023.
*If you need to purchase multiple items at one time, please contact us by email 'vulgarsavior@gmail.com'.