


為感謝您的支持與贊助,在[遙YAO] AI聲音庫製作完成後,我們會優先提供讓您下載使用。

此外,我們會再另送您兩首夏語遙原創曲,和清晰的兩個手機和電腦桌布。我們完成製作後,會再公開宣布,到時候實體版贊助者,請透過音樂下載卡上的 QR code下載;數位下載版(F方案)贊助者,我們會發送 email 給您,請再透過內附的下載連結去下載。

要特別說明的是,[遙YAO] AI聲音庫正式上市後,我們不會提供兩首原創曲和手機與電腦桌布給購買者。


<Special Notice>

Please note that previously participated in the crownfunding of Xia Yuyao AI voice bank, and sponsored A, C, D, E, F solutions:

In order to thank you for your support and sponsorship, after the completion of [遙YAO] AI voice bank, we will let you prior to download the voice bank and use it.

In addition, we will provide you two new original songs of Xia Yu Yao, and two clear wallpapers for mobile phones and computers. After we finish the work, we will make a new announcement. At that time, the sponsors of the physical version of voice bank, please download the giveaway through the QR code on the music download card; the sponsors of the digital download version of voice bank (solution F), we will send you an email, and then please access the enclosed download link to download the giveaway.

It should be noted that after the official launch of the [遙YAO] AI voice bank, we will not provide two original songs, and mobile phone & computer wallpapers to buyers.

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the crowdfunding earlier!