更小更輕便 | 終身免月費 | 隨插即用
Deeper Connect Nano 是Deeper Network與今年新研發上市的第五代產品,是 Deeper Connect 產品線的最新,也是迄今為止最小最輕便的一代產品。
Deeper Connect Nano is Deeper Network's 5th generation product released this year. It is the newest model in the Deeper Connect product line, as well as the smallest and most travel-friendly model.
Deeper Connect Nano 擁有強大且齊全的功能,集去中心化VPN、安全閘通道和防火牆功能於一體,為家庭網路提供企業級的安全保護。同時還提供物聯網設備保護、廣告攔截、家長控制等功能。秉持著Deeper Connect一貫的隨插即用以及無須配置的設計理念,用戶可無門檻的擁有更安全自由的瀏覽網頁。
- 最先進的DPN(Decentralized Private Network)功能,也就是去中心化VPN,解決了傳統VPN中心化伺服器的關鍵問題: 用戶數據將永遠不會被記錄、洩漏、攻擊或盜用。
- 七層防火牆,為個人或家庭網路帶來企業級安全防護,有效攔截廣告和惡意程式,即時監控網路流量,保護所有使用網路的電子產品。
- 隨插即用以及零配置的設計理念,使用戶可無門檻體驗更安全、更自由的瀏覽網頁。
Deeper Connect Nano is a small but powerful device with an all-in-one solution, combining decentralized VPN, security gateway, and firewall functions in one unit, offering corporate-level security for family networks. It also provides IoT protection, ad-blocking, and parental control. Along with Deeper Connect's plug-and-play, zero-configuration design, users can easily access the internet with more freedom and security.
- Most innovated DPN (Decentralized Private Network) technology solving a major concern of traditional centralized VPN services: user data can never be logged, leaked, hacked, or subpoenaed.
- Seven-laver firewall providing corporate-level security for individual and family networks, operating deep filtering to achieve ad-block, malware-block functions, while monitoring network traffic at all times to protect all devices under the network.
- Plug-and-play and zero-configuration design allowing users to access a more secure and unrestricted internet without any technical background.
Deeper Network致力於維護網路的中立性,讓使用者可以在安全、隱私、自由的前提下瀏覽網頁。希望更多用戶透過擁有Deeper Connect 的硬體設備來建立一個真正去中心化的網路平台。因此,在Flying V 募資平台上購買Deeper Connect Nano的用戶將擁有終身免月費的服務。
Deeper Network embraces net neutrality and wishes to provide a more secure, private, and fair internet for all. Therefore, all Deeper Connect Nano on sale on Flying V will receive a lifetime subscription for free. We look forward to having more users join us to create a truly decentralized network platform that is better for all.
As Recommended by Multiple YouTubers
Plug-N-Play with Zero Configuration
不同於傳統VPN複雜的安裝程序,Deeper Connect Nano是一款隨插即用的設備。無須配置,無需技術背景,Deeper Connect 的設計理念是希望讓所有用戶都能以無門檻的方式,擁有更安全,更自由的網頁瀏覽體驗。
The design concept of Deeper Connect is true plug-and-play with zero configuration. The installation process is so simple even grandparents can do it in 5 seconds. Users only need to plug in two ethernet cables to gain access to a free, secure, and private Internet. There is no need for users to be aware of its existence afterward.
3 Ways to Set Up:
A. Cable Outlet -> Deeper Connect -> Laptop (only applicable to laptop computers with Ethernet ports, or to be used with a USB to Ethernet adapter)
B. Modem -> Deeper Connect -> Router
C. Integrated WiFi Modem All-in-One -> Deeper Connect -> Router (requires an additional standalone WiFi router)
在去中心化專用網路(DPN)中,用戶既是客戶端,也是伺服器,其IP位置將根據其路徑規則進行更改。 Deeper Connect Nano最多可以建立16條通往世界各地伺服器節點的網路隧道。預設情況下,它們將建立於美國、歐洲以及亞洲其他地區。
In the Decentralized Private Network (DPN), each device serves as both client and server and their IP address will be automatically changed based on their routing rules. Deeper Connect can establish up to 16 tunnels to other nodes all over the world. By default, they will be established in the US, Europe, Singapore, and China.
假設在德國的Alice 想連線到美國的網路看Netflix. 她的Deeper Connect Nano將會自動借用IP位置在美國的Bob,來避免因地理位置而被阻擋的使用權。 同時,在中國大陸的Tom也可借用Alice在德國的IP位置,能連接到Youtube。 用戶之所以可以這樣網路連結,是透過一個數以千計組成的龐大動態網路,它允許每個用戶不受限制地瀏覽網站,繞過防火牆和審查,這一切都由Deeper Network的技術自動完成。
Consider Alice (Germany) who wants to access US Netflix. Her device will automatically borrow Bob’s residential IP address (US) to avoid being geo-blocked. At the same time, Tom’s device in China will be borrowing Alice’s IP address (Germany) to access YouTube. This of course is a huge and dynamic network composed of thousands of Alices, Bobs, and Toms, which allows every user to browse the internet without restrictions and bypassing firewalls and censorship, all automatically done by Deeper technology.

智能路由是指根據數據流的特性自動配置網路路由,以及是否通過隧道傳輸。 IP位置將依據用戶路由規則進行更改,在預設情況下會建立通往美國、歐洲國家、新加坡和中國的隧道。
Smart routing refers to the automatic configuration of network routing based on data stream characteristics, and whether to transmit through a tunnel. IP address will be changed based on the user routing rules and tunnels will be established to the US, EU, SG and CN by default.

假設在美國的用戶想要瀏覽優酷網,Deeper Connect將會自動建立一條通過中國網路的智能路由。但是用戶也有選擇使用其他路由的權利。 相反,如果在中國的用戶想透過用美國網路連接Netflix, Deeper Connect 就會自動建立一條通過美國的智能路由。
If a user wants, for example, to access Youku while in the USA, the Deeper Connect will automatically create a smart route through China. However, the user has the option to define a smart route through India (for whatever reason). Conversely, if a user in China desires to access Netflix, a smart route will be established automatically through the USA, but he/she has the option to define a smart route through Canada instead (perhaps because of his subscription or preference of regional show availability).

Deeper Connect 透過獨創的無鎖式網路安全作業系統AtomOS,做到了企業級產品的安全性和功能,同時也是同等價位中唯一達到企業級網路安全的硬體設備產品。強大的7層防火牆深度過濾使用者網路流量,有效阻止網站跟蹤程式和病毒。
Deeper Connect is a smart secure gateway that offers enterprise-grade cybersecurity with 7 layers of deep packet inspection; a sleek interface allows for visualization of all online activities happening on the network.
AtomOS Network Operating System Page:

物聯網(IoT)保護 IoT Protection
Deeper Connect 能保護用戶所有物聯網(IoT)的設備,作為用戶家中和外部網路連結的安全通路。Deeper Connect 同時也能保護用戶家中電子設備,例如: 電腦,智慧型手機,監視器等不受網路威脅。 我們的產品由頂級網路安全和分佈式系統專家所設計。 公司核心技術團隊均來自Google、Palo Alto Networks、VMware等行業領先專業人員。
Deeper Connect can protect all your IoT devices as a secure gateway between your home and the external Internet. It will protect all your home devices such as PCs, smartphones, and security cameras from online threats. Our product has been designed by top-level network security and distributed systems experts. The company's core technical team are veterans from Google, Palo Alto Networks, VMware, and other industry-leading companies.

與那些惱人的廣告說Bye-bye吧! Deeper Connect 的強大的網路安全功能可以層層過濾用戶網路流量,並有效阻止整個網路中所有設備的廣告、跟踪程式和惡意程式。
Say goodbye to all those annoying ads. Deeper Connect's powerful network security features can deeply filter user network traffic and effectively block ads, trackers, and malware across the entire network for all your devices.
用戶還將能查看有多少追踪器被 Deeper Connect 阻擋。 通常這些追蹤器會跟蹤、紀錄、儲存並重新複製用戶的瀏覽歷史紀錄,將其出售於第三方。用戶每次造訪過的網頁,都會被記錄下來。當這些第三方對用戶了解越多,越容易透過廣告或其他方式來引發刺激購買或其他目的。Deeper Connect 能保護用戶免於這些追蹤器的侵害。
Users will be able to view how many trackers have been blocked by Deeper Connect. Normally These trackers follow, record, store, and repackage your internet history and then sell it to third parties. Every time you browse, someone else is taking notes. The more they know about you the easier it is for these companies to trigger certain reactions with ads or any other content for purchasing or other purposes. Deeper Connect protects you from these trackers.

Deeper Network了解用戶關心孩子使用網路的安全性,並且確保他們避免暴露於成人或暴力的相關網站。
We know you care about the well-being of your kids, and you want to make sure they are not exposed to adult or violent content when they are on the internet.
Deeper Network 主旨在建立一個公開、透明和安全的網路環境。因此我們提供簡單有效的家長管理功能,用戶只需點擊一下即可啟用過濾色情內容的網站。
Aligning with your values and in concordance with our fair and transparent internet vision, we offer simple and effective parental control, by which a single click from you will enable/disable a filter for pornography content websites.

透過Deeper Connect 的儀表板,用戶能清楚看見設備即時處理多方隧道的功能。 用戶將會看到系統自動設置或用戶自行選擇的所有隧道圖示。 (在此提醒: 用戶最多可以在全球建立16條隧道)
Deeper Connect 同時還具有七層流量掃描功能,用戶可以看見即時處理流量的情況。 每當有程序運作和使用網路數據時,流量使用情況都會反映在設備管理界面的流量頁面上。
The Deeper Connect dashboard allows you to visualize in real-time the multi-tunneling capabilities of our device. You will see a pictorial representation of all the tunnels that have been either automatically set by the system or chosen by you (remember that you can establish up to 16 tunnels worldwide).
Deeper Connect also has a seven-layer traffic scanning function that allows you to visualize real-time traffic usage. Whenever programs are running and using network data, the flow usage will be reflected in the flow page of the device management interface.

Deeper Network 沒有中央伺服器,每個Deeper Connect 設備的本質就是客戶端和伺服器。 所有設備分佈於世界各地,相互連結及分享頻寬。用戶可自行設定分享多少頻寬給其他用戶。分享頻寬好處之一,用戶能因分享而獲得積分,以便日後兌換得到Deeper Network 每月軟體更新服務。 這種共享經濟的優勢,有利於為共享頻寬做出貢獻的用戶,不需透過媒介調解交易或收取費用。
We do not own any centralized servers as every Deeper Connect is in essence a server and a client. All these devices distribute around the world to communicate and share bandwidth with each other.
Every user can set a limit to the amount of bandwidth he/she wants to share with other users. One advantage is that users can receive credits for sharing their bandwidth to later exchange them for Deeper Network services, which include monthly software updates. This form of sharing economy has the advantage to benefit the users who contribute to the sharing, without the need of a middle man mediating the transactions or charging fees.
與傳統 VPN 不同,Deeper Connect 可以即時辨別和無縫切換隧道連接,和繞過任何受區域限制的內容。當不再需要隧道連接時,智能路由模式會自動切換回用戶預設的 IP 位置加強連接速度。此功能可確保用戶在任何時間始終能有最快速的連接,同時自由瀏覽和線上收看來自世界各地的網站內容。
Unlike traditional VPNs, Deeper Connect can identify and seamlessly switch tunnel connections on the fly to bypass any region-restricted content. When a tunnel connection is no longer needed, Smart Route mode will automatically switch back to the user's default IP connection to optimize speed. This function ensures that the user is always connected to the fastest possible connection at any given time while freely browsing and streaming content from around the globe.
Deeper Connect 產品設備最具有吸引力的就是提供企業級安全功能。Deeper Connect 使用具有無所設計的網絡安全操作系統 AtomOS。 此設備能夠以極低的成本達到企業級產品的水準和性能。相較之下,類似規格的產品(例如: Palo Alto Network 設備)的價格可能超過 10,000 美元。 Deeper Network 的市場目標是著重於大眾的網路安全,因此價格上也較親民。
Particularly attractive are Deeper’s enterprise-class security features. Deeper Connect makes use of the network security operating system AtomOS, with a lock-free design. The device is capable of achieving the level and performance of enterprise-class products at a very low cost. Products of similar specifications, such as a Palo Alto Network device, may cost more than USD 10,000. Currently, Deeper Network is targeting the network security market for the general public.
在家使用時 HOME:
透過 Deeper Connect,用戶能在舒適的家中隨時造訪任何網站,而不必擔心被 ISP 禁止。用戶的家庭網路以及所有物聯網設備,都將擁有 360° 全方位安全保護。
With Deeper Connect we envision our users being able to access any website at any time within the comfort of their home, without worrying about being banned by an ISP. Users’ home networks will have 360° security protection, including all IoT devices.
出國旅行時 TRAVEL:
對於需要出國旅行或工作的人,往往會需要連接到機場、咖啡館或其他公共場所的不安全 WiFi 時,可能會發現瀏覽網頁的時候,常因限制而無法看到自己所需要的內容。Deeper Network 為他們設計了一個解決方案。 這些用戶可以選擇下載 AtomOS,這個操作系統將允許用戶可遠距離連接到自己的 Deeper Connect。 用戶可以使用他們的筆記型電腦連接任何其他設備,如手機、平板等,為這些設備建立一個專屬和安全的保護傘,同時還享有去中心化專用網路的好處。這是一款方便攜帶的設備,用戶只需連接到網路插座即可在飯店房間做使用。
For those that need to travel abroad and may find restrictions accessing the content they need or need to have a secure browning experience when connecting to unsecured WiFi networks in airports, cafes, or other public spaces, we have ideated a solution for them. These users will have the option to download AtomOS, our operating system which will allow them to connect remotely to their own Deeper Connect. They can then use their laptops to connect any other terminal devices, like cellphones, tablets, etc., creating a private and secure umbrella for all of them, having also the benefits of a Decentralized Private Network. This is the perfect portable device you can use in your hotel room just connecting to an internet outlet.
目前網路上有提供許多解決在線隱私和安全性的方案。因為如此,更加需要讓用戶了解Deeper Connect 設備與其他服務的差別。
Deeper Connect曾與 Firewalla 、Winston (兩項皆屬國外防火牆軟體) 進行過比較,甚至將 Raspberry 配置為 pi-hole + Tor (免費的開放源代碼通信軟體)。然而,Deeper Connect的解決方案更具野心和創新。
首先,Deeper Connect提供企業級網路安全,以及集成七層安全功能,這是一般大眾從未接觸過的。Deeper Network的核心技術研發成員許多來自全球最大的網路安全公司Palo Alto Network 和 Fortinet。至始至終,Deeper Network團隊願景就是提供具有高度安全性和保護性的設備。
其次,Deeper Connect是一個真正去中心化專用網路的設備,所提供的技術優於當前任何 VPN。
最後,市面上沒有其他產品擁有共享頻寬、共享經濟的功能。Deeper Network已走在市場的最前端。
We understand that there are several solutions out there offering privacy and security online. Nonetheless, it is important to differentiate ourselves from these other services.
We have been compared with Firewalla, the Winston, even a Raspberry configured as a pi-hole + Tor (smile). Our solution is much more ambitious and innovative.
First, we offer cybersecurity at an enterprise level, Deeper Connect integrates seven layers of security functions, something that has never been available to the general public.
Part of our developing team had leadership positions at Palo Alto Network and Fortinet, the biggest cybersecurity companies in the world. Since the beginning, they had the vision to offer a device with a high level of security and protection.
Secondly, our device is also a truly Decentralized Private Network, we are offering a technology superior to any current VPN.
Finally, none of those devices offer a sharing economy or the option to exchange bandwidth with other users. We are a few significant steps ahead of other products in the market.
內含: Deeper Connect Nano, 充電線 (5v2A), 說明書
Include: Deeper Connect Nano, Power Source (5V2A), User Manual
Deeper Connect 進化史 EVOLUTION HISTORY
自2018年,Deeper Network 開使著手研發,針對網路使用的安全專案計畫。在2019年第一季,Deeper Network 發佈世界上第一個無鎖網路操作安全系統AtomOS的Beta版。 同一年的第二季,已完成家庭硬體設備的AtomOS安全通道系統。2019年的第三季,第三代的網路安全系統設備正式上市。2020年,Deeper Network成功推出第四代設備產品: Deeper Connect Mini, INDIEGOGO全球銷售$160萬+美金,FLYING V 台灣銷售$131萬+新台幣。2021年,Deeper Network推出第五代設備產品:Deeper Connect Nano,。在研發過程中,團隊不斷地精進產品設備外觀、品質及網路安全的功能。
We envision the Deeper Network project back in 2018. By 2019 Q1, we had already a Beta release of AtomOS, the world's first lock-free network security operating system. during the next quarter (Q2 of 2019) we had already completed our home hardware security gateway fully equipped with AtomOS. In 2019 Q3 our 3rd generation device went officially on sale. In 2020, Deeper Network successfully launched the 4th generation device: Deeper Connect Mini, which had generated over USD 1.6M+ on INDIEGOGO and TWD 1.31M on FLYING V. In 2021, Deeper Network launched the 5th generation device: Deeper Connect Nano. We have learned a lot in this journey, and this effort is reflected in the quality of our product: a much more compact and aesthetic design, and in its improved privacy and security functions.
Deeper Network是一家位於美國矽谷的網路安全公司。
自 2018 年以來,透過利用網路安全和區塊鏈技術方面的專業知識,一直致力於為每個家庭提供值得信賴、注重隱私且安全的網路體驗。
Deeper Network旗艦系列 Deeper Connect 是全球首創結合網路安全和區塊鏈技術的軟硬體整合性解決方案,為家庭和個人網路帶來企業級的安全保護,讓用戶能夠自由的瀏覽網頁。
Deeper Network is a cybersecurity company based in Silicon Valley.
Since 2018, the company has been using its expertise in cybersecurity and blockchain technology to build a trusted, private and secure internet experience for every family and user.
Deeper Network's flagship product line - Deeper Connect - is the World's first software and hardware integrated all-in-one solution, combining network security and blockchain technology to provide corporate-level security for individual and family networks.
Deeper Network 團隊由一流的人才組成,包括30位團隊成員,20位全職人員,和15位技術人員。核心團隊曾在Google、IBM、阿里巴巴等大型網路公司擔任重要職務。核心技術成員來自Palo Alto、Fortinet等網路安全領域的世界領先企業。目前Deeper Network團隊分別分佈在美國矽谷地區、加拿大溫哥華地區和中國大陸以及台灣地區。
未來,Deeper Network 將繼續努力為全球數千個家庭帶來一個值得信賴、安全且公平的網路系統。
Deeper Network Team is formed with top-class talents, including 30 team members, 20 full-time employees, and 15 tech specialists. Core members had held major positions at Google, IBM, Alibaba, and other leading companies in the field. Core tech members had a background from leading cybersecurity firms such as Palo Alto and Fortinet. Currently, the Deeper Network team is spread out in Silicon Valley, Vancouver, and Mainland China as well as Taiwan.
Deeper Network will continue to expand and work towards building a more trusted, secure, and fair internet for every household.