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1月11日 The Press雜誌,有一篇專屬我們的文章喔!
內文除了描述了我們的故事大綱,「製片Matt Stallworthy與劇組目前就讀於約克大學電影電視學系。他表示,本片將於英國約克拍攝,而且為了劇內某些較大的場景而需要額外的贊助,『尋求贊助的目的是為了要製作出高產值的畫面,讓我們的作品能夠在全世界電影節中放映。』Stallworthy更語帶興奮地說:『電視劇<羅伊爾一家The Royle Family>中的Ricky Tomlins答應支持我們,並答應飾演鬼魂俱樂部主席Brian一角!當Ricky Tomlins答應我們的邀約時我快樂到要飛上天!真的很感謝他的支持!』
約克大學的電影電視學系在成立的四年以來已逐漸成為英國最頂尖的電影學系之一,更有一部分由約克大學電影學系畢業的學生在畢業後繼續前往英國頂尖的電影學校National Film and Television School就讀。」
'A NEW supernatural comedy starring Royle Family actor Ricky Tomlinson is to be filmed and set in York and the production team are looking for local actors and extras to take part.
Psyched is a 20-minute short about a down-on-his-luck psychic called Clive.
After a disastrous performance he has his psychic licence taken away by the Ghosts’ Union and has to learn what it means to be dead before he can contact the departed again.
The film is being shot at the start of next month by students from the department of theatre, film and television at the University of York.
Producer Matthew Stallworthy is studying film at the university. He said the team would shoot throughout York and many extras would be required for large scenes.
Mr Stallworthy said: “It is a fantastic way of appearing in a high-production value film which will be screened in film festivals across the globe.
“The film will be guest starring Ricky Tomlins on from The Royle Family as Brian, the Ghosts’ Union president. I’m over the moon that he is on board and am grateful that Ricky has decided to join and support the film.”
The university’s film department is quickly becoming one of the top film schools in the country, with some graduates going on to further study at the National Film and Television School.'
(文章內容出自The Press: http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/10930712.Royle_Family___s_Ricky_Tomlinson_to_star_in_supernatural__comedy_set_in_York/)